• The 1-3-2-6 Betting System – Amazing and Powerful

    Of the famous betting systems out there, the Martingale probably being the most famous. The 1-3-2-6 betting system is a positive betting strategy based on the Paroli. This is very easy to learn and by playing it you can improve your chances of winning. That's because it protects your bankroll from making foolish big bets. Your starting bet should be the table minimum. As you proceed, you're pretty much covered from taking any big losses. But the system has zero effect on the casino house edge.

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  • Keep Your Fervent Gambling Emotions in Check

    Though all games can be emotional to a degree, gambling emotions are some of the strongest. That's because people start to feel the pressure when playing with their own cash, more especially when things are not going so well. We suggest that you take control of your gambling emotions before they start to control you. Then it's too late as you end up chasing losses or making equally bad game plays. If it all gets too much for you, then step away and take a walk or call it a day and leave.

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