• Spread Betting – Using Knowledge To Beat The Financial Markets

    Most casino gambling games rely, to a larger extent, on having Lady Luck seated at your elbow at the gaming table. There are some games, like blackjack, where knowledge and skill can help move the odds in your favour. Financial gambling, like spread betting, is slightly different in that there's very little luck involved. By carefully studying the markets and current affairs, it's possible to predict stock price movements and then bet on them. The more you know, the better your winning chances.

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  • Binary Trading – Secure and Economical

    Thanks to improvements in technology as well as the use of social media across so many platforms, social trading has become de rigueur for millennials. Online trading platforms like Robinhood have introduced trading to a whole new generation of binary trading wanna-bee's. With social trading, you can follow what the more experienced traders are doing, without any understanding of the processes involved. This is a dangerous practice as no knowledge or very little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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