• Poker Archetype – What Type Of Casino Poker Player Are You?

    In some ways, humans are all too fond of putting labels on everything. This includes the type of poker player who sits around the casino gaming table. This poker archetype helps others recognize a particular playing style. With this stereotype in mind, players think they can apply certain formulas to counter their behavior. But a good player never lets anyone see their true motivation. Giving away as little as possible makes them very hard to read. In this manner they become unpredictable.

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  • Life Skills From Gambling – How Casino Gaming Can Improve Your Life

    No matter what hobbies or pastimes you might decide to take up, the truth of the matter is that you can learn from your experience, skills that can be translated into everyday use. The same is true of gambling. By playing skilled games like poker or blackjack, it's necessary to develop a proper playing technique utilizing all sorts of methods which then become life skills. Even games of pure chance, like the slots, still require elements of self-control, patience, and good money management.

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  • Bluffing In Poker – The Psychological Factors For Success

    Of all the strategies involved in playing poker, the ability to bluff without giving anything away on an emotional level is going to help you hugely. But it's not as simple as you might think. Remember that the other players are looking at you, trying to see any of your poker tells. Because bluffing is a form of lying, it's difficult to pull off convincingly from a psychological perspective. In this respect, it's better to maintain a totally blank expression. Something no other player can read.

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