• Everything To Know About Being An Online Casino Agent

    All online casinos are on a constant lookout for high rollers and casino whales. To help encourage them to continue to spend, the casino employs online casino agents. The job requires not only a deep understanding of betting on casino games, but also some great people skills. After all, you'll be encouraging clients to spend good money after bad. You'll have to keep them spending even when the bets are being lost. It's not an easy job, but those who can do it, certainly make bank.

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  • Lost Casino Jobs – How Changing Times Changed The Workplace

    In many ways, there was something almost romantic about going to the casino in the Golden age of casino gambling. Just like today's casinos, there were a huge number of staff whose job was to ensure that every single need of the customers was taken care of. unfortunately, thanks to advancements in technology as well as new methods in management, many of these jobs have become redundant. So today, we look back to the glamour and glitz of these lost casino jobs.

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  • Top Casino Jobs and How to Get The Best One

    There are two jobs categories within the casino industry, service or management. The former covers everyone from dealers and croupiers to chambermaids and waitresses. Of the latter, there is the pit boss and all the managers above going up to the boss of all bosses, the casino property general manager. In the US, for service jobs, the pay is terrible, but there's a tipping culture that is designed to boost initial earnings. Management jobs are well rewarded and often include a year-end bonus.

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  • Reasons to Be a Casino Dealer Today

    So you fancy being a casino dealer. How hard can that be? Well, you're gonna need some training. But after that it's a great job with great perks..

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