• The €200M EuroMillions Lottery Winner Who Donated for Charity

    As we speak, the EuroMillions winner who donated for charity has people from all corners of the world talking. What's more, it is all for a good cause. This is because the EuroMillions winner invested his €200 million win by creating an environmental charity. So, there is no better time than now to learn about the 2020 French EuroMillions who donated for charity.

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  • The Biggest Lottery Winners Who Donated to Charity

    Without a doubt, choosing how to spend your lottery winnings is no easy task. However, there is no denying that using your newfound wealth to help others in need is the kindest gesture of all. So, it is only right that we reveal some of the biggest lottery winners who donated to charity.

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  • Air Ambulance Lottery – Gambling For A Good Cause

    The UK Air Ambulance Lottery actually supports a couple of lotteries, the Local Air Ambulance Lottery and the Children's Air Ambulance Lottery. Both are essential emergency medical services that help save lives. The lottery itself is very easy to play, with great odds. The draws are every Tuesday with 6 winners being chosen each week. And though it's true, you're not going to get rich from winning any of the prizes, the important thing is that your lottery ticket is helping to fund a good cause.

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