• Rain Man – A Card Counting Movie With A Big Heart

    In many ways, the movie Rain Man is typical of many Hollywood stories. Many feature what's known as the "Hero's Journey." In this case, the protagonist, Tom Cruise has to overcome selfishness in order to eventually emerge as a nicer and more complete human being. If you're a gambler, you'll know the film from its scenes of card counting in the table game of blackjack. These take place in Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and allow the star to clear his debts, whilst appreciating his autistic brother.

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  • Earn $100,000 Playing Blackjack

    Wanna earn $100,000 playing blackjack? If you're looking for a well paying job, and you love to play cards, well, we have just the thing for you. Yes, you can go to the casino, bet and make money. You can, with patience and practice, learn how to eat the casino. Also, there are other benefits, like all those goodies high rollers get, like free hotel rooms, meals and concert tickets.

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