• The Megabucks Curse And Why Players Need To Believe It

    The Megabucks curse is based on the unfortunate story of a winner who was then crippled. It was an unfortunate accident. However, because many gamblers are superstitious deep down, they view this event as somehow being tied to their bad luck in losing. It's a psychological means whereby they can feel better about their losses because there are "outside" forces at play. In this case, the Megabucks Curse. But when you examine the odds of winning, you can see the real reason behind their losses.

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  • Elmer Sherwin Won the Megabucks Slot Jackpot Twice

    The odds of winning the Megabucks progressive slots machine jackpot are astronomical. So the odds of winning it twice must be totally out of this world. And yet, one person, Elmer Sherwin, managed to do it.

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