• Ancient Egypt Slots – The World’s Best Loved Slot

    Of all the themes you'll find with slot machines in the casino, both online and off, the theme of ancient Egypt remains one of the most popular today. With UK players we can understand this fixation as there has always been an interest in all things from that era, and a walk around the British Museum will reenforce this view. It appears a huge chunk of ancient Egyption culture can be found there. As for thse slots, they tend to combine ease of play, with a high RTP, and a great back story.

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  • Is A Progressive Jackpot Slot Worth Playing?

    When the public thinks of the casino, they imagine the table games of poker, roulette and blackjack. But the biggest prizes come from the progressive jackpot slots. These machines combine the prizes from a network and these prizes can reach seven figures. But the real question is whether you should bother playing them, as they only pay out once in a blue moon. Perhaps you'd be better off playing a fixed prize slot machine, as at least it would pay out more often, but with a much smaller amount.

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