• Football Betting – How To Choose The Best Website For Advice

    The internet is a great educator and you can find information on any subject. If you're beginning your American football betting journey and want to know all the ins and outs of football sports betting, then finding a knowledgeable and reliable website should be at the top of your list. A Google search will show hundreds of results. So now you're faced with the dilemma of knowing which are good and which are a waste of your time. That's why we've listed the important factors to look out for.

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  • Expected Goals in Football: A Concise Guide

    Analysis of sports data is now a part and parcel of virtually all games being played today. You'll notice that when yu watch a game on TV, there's an endless parade of facts and figures, some of which appear to be very obscure and yet are important to the match or game play. An so it is with Advanced Metrics. These are used to measure any number of factors, with the latest of these being in football, with Expected Goals.

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