• A Concise Guide To All Aspects Of Esports Betting

    Because esports are virtual activities, and real sport is not, then betting on esports isn't the same when compared with physical sporting activities. Though the betting markets may seem pretty straightforwards, it's important to know the differences and possibilities that come from placing bets on video games.

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  • Video Gaming As An Alternative To Online Casino Gambling

    Video gaming and playing online casino games may appear to be miles apart for many different reasons. But a closer look at these two forms of entertainment reveals many more similarities than you might imagine. For a start, both require levels of skill, without which it would be impossible to win. Furthermore, there's a huge dollop of patience needed. Then there's maintaining a clear and focused mind, without resorting to short-term solutions. Probably the biggest difference is playing is money.

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  • E-Sports Betting Tips To Help You Recognise The Winners

    Though e-Sports might look simple to bet on at the beginning, we suggest that you take a step back and ensure you know exactly what you're doing. Otherwise, your bankroll will be gone in the blink of an eye. You'll need a complete understanding of both the gameplay and the rules as a given. Then you'll need to understand exactly what games are for novice bettors and what are for experts. Finally, it's essential you know how to handle your bets in terms of betting size and when to wager.

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  • ESports Markets For Players And Fans Around The World

    In the past, many parents were telling their children that playing video games was a waste of time. But today, there are eSports players who are making some serious bank, pulling in millions of dollars in prize money, as well as millions more in lucrative sponsorship deals. Because you can play online and need no real-world skills or a higher level of education, then everyone has an equal chance to make it big by playing their favourite video games. So it's no surprise Esports are so popular.

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  • Are Video Games Promoting Gambling?

    In this article, we look at the devastating thing that are loot boxes. It begs the question to be asked, are video games promoting gambling?

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