• Casino Gambling Books Can Make You A Much Better Gambler

    Before the age of the internet, all information could be found in books. But the desire to really read and understand has now taken a backseat to media platforms like YouTube. Many players might watch a tutorial video on certain casino-playing strategies. But it's the nature of the internet that means there may be little real understanding of what's being read, simply because players tend to skim. We think that casino gambling books are the best way to learn about all aspects of gambling.

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  • Gambling Books For Your Entertainment And Education

    One of the easiest means to learn any skill is to find a course on YouTube. This is all well and good. But for some other people, they prefer an older approach....that of using books. You'll find that many of the older classic gambling boos are still in print. Many of these deal with the early days of casino games, when new concepts, which are considered normal today, were just being discovered. You can follow the first card counters in blackjack and see exactly how they formulated ideas

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