• Gambling Losses – The Most Epic Losers In Casino History

    There are gambling losses, and then there are eye-watering gambling losses. Though the amounts of cash lost do make a good headline, we should also consider that many gamblers might suffer some negative consequences from losing only a small amount of cash. Nevertheless, there will always be those super-rich outliers who manage to blast their way through an obscene amount of mullah in a very short space of time. In many ways, the casino's profits are directly correlated to the losers losses,

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  • Gambling Money Management And Why It’s Essential To All Players

    The vast majority of gamblers tend to only focus on the casino games and the idea of scoring a big win. This is all well and good, but your evening at the casino will be short-lived if you run out of funds. And that's why good gambling money management at the gaming tables is so important. This means having a fixed budget that, no matter what happens during the gameplay, you'll never go over. It takes a disciplined approach to gambling, but you need to walk away when the bankroll is spent.

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  • Gambling Goal – Choosing Your Casino Games And Strategies

    Everyone wants an easy life. But to really achieve anything, you'll need to set goals and then strive to make them come to fruition. No one said it was going to be easy. When it comes to online casino games, many gamblers simply cross their fingers as they place their bets. But you'll never see a professional gambler do this. They are laser-focused on their goals and nothing can distract them from achieving them. In order to win at the online casino, you'll need to be more serious like this.

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  • Spread Betting – Using Knowledge To Beat The Financial Markets

    Most casino gambling games rely, to a larger extent, on having Lady Luck seated at your elbow at the gaming table. There are some games, like blackjack, where knowledge and skill can help move the odds in your favour. Financial gambling, like spread betting, is slightly different in that there's very little luck involved. By carefully studying the markets and current affairs, it's possible to predict stock price movements and then bet on them. The more you know, the better your winning chances.

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