• Are Awful Gambling Scams Still Common?

    Though there have been plenty of scams at brick and mortar casinos, gambling scams are really a thing of the internet age. Obtaining a gambler's personal or banking details has been a common activity for years. Though sites have been proactive in putting up barriers against scammers, without any data on the numbers caught, it's hard to say if these measures are effective. It's always good practice to do your homework about each site. This is in order to discover how best to protect yourself.

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  • Gambling Scams To Be Wary Of

    Some years ago, if you fell to an online gambling scam, then there was really nothing you could do about it. But times have moved on and today's scammer is finding it increasingly more difficult to get money from punters illegally. Now law enforcement takes cyber-crime seriously and have helped pass many new laws designed to both thwart and capture online scammers. There are still some actions you can take to mitigate the possibility of falling for an online gambling scam.

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