• Poker Know-How Is An Essential Part Of Playing And Winning

    In the casino, you'll find many table games that rely purely on luck. Roulette and baccarat come to mind. But some games, like blackjack and poker, require a huge amount of skill. This makes them the first choice for players who are looking for something more involved. But in order to play well and win, you'll need to study in order to understand the complexities of the game. Only once you've built up considerable poker know-how, will you be able to face the strongest players at the table.

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  • German Poker Players – The Teutonic States Most Successful Winners

    Thanks to the insidious manner in which American culture weasels its way into cultures around the world, it's no surprise that many people think of poker in solely American terms. As if the game started and continued being a part of Las Vegas and nowhere else. But the truth of the matter is that there are world-class poker players sitting up at gaming tables in every country around the globe. German poker players are certainly up near the top of any listing of the best players in the world.

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  • Tobey Maguire: How Underground Poker Ruined His Reputation 

    Having a love for casino table games is all well and good. And all the players want to have a great time and enjoy themselves. That's why, if someone behaves like an asshole, they are going to stand out. And more especially so if they happen to be a huge Hollywood star. After the success of the first Spider-Man movie, Tobey Maguire became a household name around the world. Unfortunately, it all seemed to have gone to his head. He put on underground poker games where he behaved appallingly.

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