• Gambling Theory – The Use Of Mathematics To Help You Win

    Since man first invented gambling games or games of chance, he has been looking for ways to game the system at the same time. So it's no surprise that the big brains of the ages have immersed themselves in gambling theory, especially if they were gamblers themselves. Since the enlightenment, many mathematicians have busied themselves with developing new and improved theories in order to aid gamblers at the game tables. Today, you can still make use of many of the concepts and maybe win more.

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  • Cheating At The Casino – Not As Easy And Profitable As It Looks?

    Playing casino games can certainly be exciting, for some players that's just not enough. They want to up the ante by cheating the casino. Of course, today this is not easy. But over thirty years ago, the security technology was in its infancy, as so cheaters could go undetected for years. Some of them were only discovered because they outed themselves in books written years after the events in qestion. But for every cheater caught, there could well be others who fly completely under the radar.

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