• Online Gambling Career – The Best Ways To Make A Living

    For the outsider looking in, an online gambling career looks like an amazing lifestyle. Part of the reason for this is that much is made to make the life of top gamblers seem very glamorous in order to attract new players into the casinos. In reality, life at the top is very hard. Consider that you're up against both the house edge in all games and other players in poker. You will need to play for long hours. And without a big bankroll, it will be hard to survive long enough to see a profit.

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  • The Loot Box – Harmful or Harmless?

    Video games are a very expensive endeavour for a company to go on, as they could always end up a complete flop, with the video game buying public unconvinced as to its playability. So, in some ways, we can understand a gaming company looking to make bank from every aspect of the game itself. So placing a loot box in the gameplay looks like a no-brainer in this case. maybe they have forgotten that the majority of players will be kids under the legal gambling age of 18. Or maybe they don't care.

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