• Bad Beat In Poker – Reasons Why It Stings So Badly

    Let's be frank, no one likes losing at any casino game. But the vast majority of players know that the odds are stacked against them. So there's an acceptance of fate. But what really gets under the skin of a poker player is a bad beat. This is more than just plain bad luck or misfortune. It's the type of situation where you'll end up tearing your hair out. Where you're guaranteed a win, only to see it cruelly snatched away at the very last second to a lesser player or improbable situation.

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  • What Is a Bad Beat in Poker?

    Simply put, a bad beat is when your poker hand that looks destined to win, is beaten by an underdog that catches cards in order to beat it. It probably the most rotten and sick feeling to the stomach you'll ever encounter in this casino table game. getting bad beats in poker is all part of the playing experience, but that doesn't stop it from hurting.

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