• Playtech Software – An Essential Component For Online Casinos

    Since starting in 1999 in Estonia, Playtech has grown into a huge business employing over 6,000 people. They provide much of the software that powers many of today's online casino games. By cross-licensing with large corporations like Marvel, they're able to introduce new themes and characters to keep their games relevant under the watchful public eye. Their technology allows the seamless streaming of the best live dealer games, as well as ensuring that mobile gamblers enjoy the best experience.

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  • Largest Casinos In The UK For Land-Based Players

    Though the land-based casinos of the United Kingdom can't compare in size to those found in other gaming locations like Macau or Las Vegas, they are huge for the UK. In spite of being dwarfed by other major casinos around the globe, they offer a particularly English gambling experience. Of course, the games and rules all follow international standards, but the quintessentially Englishness, with all the mannerisms, aloofness and sophistication can make the gaming experience into something more.

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