• Best-Kept Casino Secrets That Stop You Winning

    To stay in business, every casino, whether online or lamd-based, has to make a profit. For brick-and-mortar casinos, the running costs are astronomical. That's why players shouldn't expect to win. And why we all know the saying that the "house always wins." Simply put, if it didn't, then it would be out of business. So it's no surprise that casinos have a number of sneaky tricks and casino secrets up their sleeve to ensure they have a better chance to come out ahead of their players.

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  • What’s The Reason For Dealer Rotation In The Casino?

    Most casinos will have their dealers on rotation, changing them out every 20 minutes or so. They then go for a break away from the gaming floor. Some might complain that this is a very easy job and there's no need for such a short working session. But if you stop to consider this point, it's important to realise that these casino games are all very taxing, especially as the dealer is responsible for gamblers spending. If he gets the count wrong, or make any simple mistake, it's a problem.

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  • Top Reasons Why Mobile Phones Are Banned In Casinos

    There are a number of reasons why casinos want to discourage their customers from using their mobile phones on the gaming floor. In truth, we don't belive they are so concerned about patrons talking loudly. After all, casino are very noisey places anyway. But for a player to know the time is more of an issue. Casino have no windows or clocks so that players get lulled into a false sense of how much time has passed. As many people today use their mobile as their watch, this isn't good news.

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  • Top Ways For Players To Get Banned From A Casino

    Whether you're playing at an online casino or in a real brick-and-mortar one, it's just plain common sense to behave properly. Playing at the casino tables and acting like a dick is a sure way to get yourself kicked out. Likewise, molesting the other players or the dealers. You have to keep in mind that the casino is private property, and the management can decide you they want to play there. Be careful, as once you're expelled from any casino, your name ends up on a blacklist database.

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  • Gambling Tipping – Your Guide To Giving Tips At The Casino

    Many people see tipping as a means whereby employers save money on employee salaries. Why not pay a regular living wage you may ask? But in some cultures, tipping has become a necessary component of how many working people actually make a living. Though casino jobs like the dealer or croupier are made out to be glamorous, they are, in fact, nothing more than service industry workers. As a result, they suffer from extremely low basic pay (if any at all) and have to make up the rest through tips.

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