• Are Dogs Allowed Inside Land-Based Casinos?

    All dog lovers don't like to leave their furry best friend home alone. Many gamblers would ove to take the for an evening at the casino. Unfortunately, life isn't that simple. You can't assume that everyone is going to have the same positive feeling towards your pooch as you do. Casinos view dogs on the premises as a distraction to other gamblers. With all the unfamiliar noises within a new and strange enviroment means that your mutt is going to be nerveous, and may well start barking.

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  • Daytime Naps To Improve Your Online Casino Game Play

    If you're going to be doing any activity that requires concentration, then being alert is essential. Unfortunately, many online casino players tend to play when they're tired. This can lead to catastrophic consequences, with bankrolls being depleted in record time. That's why we recommend you think about incorporating naps into your daily routine. Not only will you be rested, but as a consequence, you'll feel awake, and attentive, and capable of making much better gambling decisions.

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  • Bank Transfers As A Means Of Funding Your Casino Account

    Traditional bank transfers were once one of the only means of moving funds from one bank account to another. But since the introduction of newer and more efficient transfer options, the system is gradually falling behind. After all, no online gambler wants to wait hours to play after making a deposit. Or worse still, have to wait up to 5 days to see any winnings when they make a withdrawal. Then there are the fees, which are not cheap. Especially when compared to many other options that are free

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  • Life Skills From Gambling – How Casino Gaming Can Improve Your Life

    No matter what hobbies or pastimes you might decide to take up, the truth of the matter is that you can learn from your experience, skills that can be translated into everyday use. The same is true of gambling. By playing skilled games like poker or blackjack, it's necessary to develop a proper playing technique utilizing all sorts of methods which then become life skills. Even games of pure chance, like the slots, still require elements of self-control, patience, and good money management.

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  • Hot And Cold Keno Number Strategies To Help You Win

    In casino gambling, there are many strategies that can help you on the road to having a better chance of scoring some wins. Then there are the madcap theories, based on nothing but hope. Just like the Gambler's Fallacy, some Keno players believe that previous numbers can somehow affect the drawing of future ones. But the two events are not connected in any way. Every new round starts the odds again. The idea that there are hot and cold numbers in Keno follows this same misinformed theory.

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