• Dyuta Krida – A Divine Gambling Game For Hindus

    The first point we should make is that all forms of gambling are strictly illegal throughout the Indian subcontinent. This is mainly thanks to religious reasons. Yet there is one game that the Hindus will encourage you and your family to play once a year on New years eve. This is the board game of Dyuta Krida. Mind you, it's not just a case of getting out the board and beginning a game. There's a whole ritual involved to ensure the game can help to bring good fortune to the coming year.

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  • Gods Of Gambling – Who To Appease For Better Gambling Results

    Evidence from archaeology suggests that ancient peoples enjoyed gambling as much as gamblers do today. And just like today's casino players, they were equally, if not more superstitious. Because most gambling games are about unpredictable outcomes, then to have the powers of a gambling god on your side, could help swing the results in your favour. The amblers in ancient civilizations thought so, and today's gamblers haven't changed their need for a deity to aid them in their hopes of winning.

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  • The Sin of Gambling – What Does The Bible Really Say?

    We all know of the Christian seven deadly sins, gambling is not one of them. Greed or avarice certainly is, but again, this is not gambling. Many religions have a low regard for gambling because it's seen as "easy" money. After all, God rewards those who work hardest. Look at the US Protestant work ethic which says that hard work brings you closer to God. Anything that detracts from that, including alcohol, sex, drugs and gambling, must therefore be sinful, except if it's a gift to the church!

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