• Viking Gambling Games – How The Norse Tribes Loved A Punt

    All Vikings loved bloody battles, and spent a lot of time at sea, roving European coastlines for plunder, they did in fact have a fair amount of downtime. This would be spent in their giant communal halls during the Winter season when adverse weather conditions made sailing dangerous. To entertain themselves they would turn to games of chance. And though we tend to view Vikings as uneducated and uncouth, nothing could be further from the truth. As proved by the complexity of their games.

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  • Gods Of Gambling – Who To Appease For Better Gambling Results

    Evidence from archaeology suggests that ancient peoples enjoyed gambling as much as gamblers do today. And just like today's casino players, they were equally, if not more superstitious. Because most gambling games are about unpredictable outcomes, then to have the powers of a gambling god on your side, could help swing the results in your favour. The amblers in ancient civilizations thought so, and today's gamblers haven't changed their need for a deity to aid them in their hopes of winning.

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