• Polish Lottery Review – Smaller Prizes But Much Better Odds

    The Polish Lottery is one of the oldest in Europe. From its humble beginnings as a football sportsbook, it's grown into the Polish national weekly lottery. In fact, there are three draws each week. And though the prizes can't possibly compare with many other national lotteries, they are still very worthwhile. More especially so when you consider just how cheap the lottery tickets are to buy. A great deal of the money spent by lottery punters goes towards promoting all types of Polish sports.

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  • Poppy Lottery – Helping And Winning At The Same Time

    After the bloodletting of the First World War, a new charity was set up to help the surviving soldiers and their families. This was the Royal British Legion. Its source of income was and still is, from a weekly lottery, called the Poppy Lottery. It takes its name from the only flowers that would bloom on the barren battlefields of Western Europe. Today it remains one of the UK's most popular lotteries, as you have a chance of winning some great cash prizes, as well as helping a good cause.

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