• A Complete Guide To Winning The Lottery Online

    With such massive odds againgst winning the lottery, it's a surprise that anyone plays. After all, you could simply be throwing good money after bad for a very long time. And though some might claim that purchasing many lottery tickets is the way to a guarenteed win, you'd need to buy millios of tickets to have any chance of winning. However, there are some other basic mathematical skills that can improve your possibilites, even if only ever so slightly.

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  • Top Tips For Real Success In Sports Betting

    Though we understand that many sports bettors are happy to take a punt once in a while for the fun of it, we suggest that if you're after reall success in sports betting, that you take things more seriously. This means following some basic rules which, at the end of the day, will guard your betting bankroll againgst any foolish mistakes or bets based on emotions rather than those placed with a more logical and calm approach.

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  • The Man Vs Horse Marathon – Can A Man Outrun A Horse?

    After overhearing a typical pub discussion as to who might e the faster, a man or a horse, the landlord decided to put the idea to the test. In 1980, the first annual Man vs Horse Marathon occurred, with the horse winnings with relative ease. But as the years passed, the runners started to catch up. Finally in 2002, a man emerged victorious. In doing so he claimed the total of all the annual prizes that had been gathering dust over the previous 22 years, amounting to a nice £25,000.

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  • A Concise Guide To All Aspects Of Esports Betting

    Because esports are virtual activities, and real sport is not, then betting on esports isn't the same when compared with physical sporting activities. Though the betting markets may seem pretty straightforwards, it's important to know the differences and possibilities that come from placing bets on video games.

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  • In-Play Betting – How To Place Winning Bets During A Game

    Just a few years ago, all sports betting was about who will win. But now sports betting has become more nuanced, and in doing so, made betting much more immersive and exciting. A good example of this is the relatively new concept of in-play betting. With this, you're able to place bets throughout the duration of a game. As the scores change, so do the odds. This allows you to change bets or place different wagers to either enhance your winnings or mitigate your losses.

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