• Payback Percentages In Slot Machines Are Not The Same

    If you stroll onto the gaming floor of any casino resort, you'll quickly notice that the slots are by far the most popular games. After all, they are simple to play, whilst at the same time can offer massive. eye-watering amounts of cash as prizes. But it's important to recognize that the payback percentages are going to be very different from one casino to the next. This also goes for online casinos, as well as their land-based brethren. We suggest that you read the paytable before playing.

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  • Variable RTP Ratios And How They Effect Online Slot Players

    Playing online casino slots with a fixed RTP meant that you knew roughly how much you could expect to get back from your betting activities. As a given, all gamblers will be looking for the highest RTP, as that allows their bankroll to stretch further. But many of today's game developers are making customer RTPs for their online casino customers. And in many cases, these are terrible, offering painfully low rates. Even worse, these companies often hide their low RTPs so the player has no idea.

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  • Classic Offline Slots – Playing On The Old-Fashioned Fruit Machine

    Go into any bar or pub in the UK a couple of decades ago, and you'll be met with the metallic noise of the spinning reels of a fruit machine. There was always a punter, who would have pulled up a barstool and be sitting in front of the slot machine, shoving in coin after coin. Every once in a while, there would be the sound of whistles, sirens and buzzing, followed by a rush of clattering coins as they noisily tumbled down into the coin hopper. Unfortunately, those days are long gone.

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