• The Meaning Of Poker Nuts And More Poker Slang For Beginners

    All sports activities have their own jargon. A language that has developed over time so that those in the know understand what's going on to the exclusion of those not involved. Poker is no different. Over the years a distinct poker slang has formed. To the outside ear, these words and descriptions make little sense. If you're starting to learn the basics of poker, then learning the lingo should be a top priority. After all, with an understanding of the terms, you'll be a better poker player.

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  • The Top Ten Poker Apps For Android

    If you're looking for the top ten poker apps and you have an android device, whether a phone or a tablet, then you've come to the right place. Looking at the Google Play store, there are literally thousands of available apps. We take the hard work out of mindless searching and do all the testing. Well, it's just playing poker all day, so what's not to love. Here's our list. Enjoy.

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