• Brazil – The Changing Face Of Online Casino Gambling

    Over 50 years ago, gambling was first banned across Brazil. Yet since then, there have been laws that have tried to introduce casino games and sports betting in this South American country. But virtually all of them were struck down as quickly as they were introduced. Right now, only betting on horse racing and lotteries is "officially" allowed. But that's not to say there isn't a huge underground betting market. Some States have their own casinos that are based around a games of chance.

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  • The Biggest Attractions in Macau

    When most people think of the city of Macau, they immediately picture gigantic casinos. And for some reason it's always night time! Though the Southern Chinese state is most famous as a gambling hub, there are in fat, a lot f other things to see and do apart from spending all your time and money at the gaming tables. Let's take a tour of  the biggest attractions in Macau.

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