• Betting On Sports – Common Myths You Should Ignore

    All gambling, whether at the casino or sportsbook, is very much dependent on luck as opposed to skill. Because sportsbooks are a for-profit business, then it's virtually assured that the vast majority of sports bettors will lose over and over again. Of course, it's true many gamblers don't mind a flutter once in a while for a little fun. But other players will lose consistently. And more often than not, this is down to bad advice or believing in foolish and totally untrue gambling myths.

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  • Gambling Loss And The Alternative Techniques Needed To Recover

    Many gamblers are blinkered and can only see a picture of themselves winning. But a quick look around the mega-casino resort or an online casino will tell you, in no uncertain terms, that casinos make a lot of money. And, with gambling being a zero-sum game, their win is your loss. Thanks to the built-in house edge, you can't win in the long run. Once you can accept this fact with good grace, then you can get on with enjoying yourself and gambling whilst forgetting about the pressure of winning.

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  • Tipster Service: Start Your Own Business

    Most tipster sites will promise you an exotic planet and just deliver mud. But if you want to start your own tipster business, then it'll require a huge a mount of work and it'll be hard competing with so many dishonest and shady tipsters.

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