• Poker Clothing To Give You A Psychological Advantage

    Thanks to Hollywood, people have an image of poker players being dressed in tuxedos, like a suave James Bond. So it's a shock when they see real professional poker players dressing in a manner that most casinos would consider beyond their own dress code. Hoddies, baseball caps and sunglasses are all de rigueur for all the players sitting around the poker table. The general idea is to use clothing and accessories to hide any possible tells and tics. However, you'll still need good poker skills

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  • Chris Ferguson – The Poker Champ Who Scammed His Fans

    With a father who held a doctorate in theoretical probability and was a university professor at UCLA, Chris Ferguson was exposed to the mathematics of games of chance at a very early age. Apparently, he was playing poker at only 10 years old. As the years passed, he made good use of the new internet by practising online against other players. Not only did he gain the skills necessary to conquer the World Series of Poker and be named Player of the Year, but he also built up a loyal following.

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