• Bill Kaplan – Essential Rules to Improve Your Blackjack

    All blackjack players have heard of Bill Kaplan. This Harvard graduate set up and ran the very successful MTI blackjack team that took the casinos to the cleaners in the 1980's. Today their exploits are still regarded with awe. But they would be practically impossible to replicate. Casino security has come a long way over the last 40 years. The idea that you could count cards in blackjack and go unnoticed would just not happen. But Bill Kaplan still has some advice for today's blackjack players.

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  • Bad Bets Gamblers Should Never Take

    Though it's fun to bet, don't go making bad bets when you're at the casino. Some table games offer terrible odds or an awful house edge.

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  • Blackjack Advice: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

    Sit up at the blackjack table and then mention you're just beginning. You'll instantly receive a lot of free advice. The hard part is to work out what's good advice and what's bad.

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  • How To Play Blackjack

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