• Gaming Cheating – Why Online Gamers Choose To Cheat

    As most people are naturally competitive, it's no surprise that, when it comes to console gaming, it appears that almost everyone cheats. This can be by finding information on the internet, or by running bots that do a lot of the work for you. The problem here is that if your opponent is cheating, then you can't win unless you too cheat yourself. And then the whole gaming community starts a downwards spiral of self-destruction. We feel that if casino gamblers could cheat, they would do so too.

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  • Ida Summers – One of The Greatest Casino Cheaters in History

    Ida Summer is still regarded as one of the most successful casino cheats in the history of Las Vegas. Using a system called card mucking, she was able to pull some amazing moves, and all in front of the dealers faces. Then she put a team together, taught them her skills and took a small percentage from them. What's more, she got away with it. After almost two decades of cleaning out the casinos at the blackjack tables, she received a year's probation for her troubles. And promptly dissappeared.

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  • Successful Casino Players

    It's common knowledge that the casino has a built in advantage over the players. The games are set up in such a way, that though some can be beaten, on the whole the house will win most of the time. It is a business after all. But there are successful casino players who know what they're doing and have the skills and more than a little luck on their side, thus enabling them to win. They are able to turn the house edge into their favor.

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