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Playing Poker: An Introduction

But if you’re the type who only likes to play in the casino, whether online or off, then there are some things you might want to keep in mind before you go and play. There are some situations where, when playing poker, and especially for money, are best avoided if you want o keep hold of your bankroll. Let’s have a look at some reasons why it’s not a good idea to play poker.

When You’re Too Tired

OK…so this sounds like a total no-brainer for most people. Obviously, you shouldn’t play if your feeling tired. In order to get the most out of a game of poke, and certainly to actually win money, then you’ll need to be on top mental form. That means rested and relaxed. Often a poker game can go on into the late hours. If you have made travel to a casino, for example, gone to Las Vegas for the weekend, then please put your head down for at least a couple of hours before you head over to the casino. The tables can wait that long!

playing poker
Don’t play poker if you can’t concentrate

Playing Poker: Making Silly Mistakes

If you simply rush over and start playing, because you might be tired, you’ll start making all sorts of silly mistakes. And each one of those, particularly in a game of poker, can prove very expensive indeed. It’s a similar scenario to those who think they’ve only had a small drink before climbing into the car. Interestingly enough, there’s a term called “the inertia of rest” that compels a player to stay in his seat long after all the fun and excitement have passed. Normally it’s because they are over-tired and have a problem calling it quits for the night. Playing poker when you should be sleeping is a sure path to disaster. The other players around the table will quickly spot your weakness and be equally quick to exploit it.

When You’re on a Losing Streak

Winning streaks or losing streaks, some people claim such things don’t really exist. Losing hand after hand is just down to math and probability, and for sure, it’ll all even out at the end of the day, so to speak. But if you’re playing poker, and everything has been going against you the whole session, then maybe there is such a thing as a losing streak. Then we suggest that you take a complete break. This is something that’s going t happen to every poker player once in a while. if you’re an experienced player, then having a losing streak can be difficult to deal with. So, step away from the table. Go outside and shout at a tree!

Play Poker Online at Intertops – Even without real stakes

Confidence Is Key in the Game of Poker

We believe that this is one of the factors that makes sitting at the poker table for the first time novice, so nerve-racking. All the other players appear t be so damned confident. Here you are, barely understanding the rules and still working on your technique of signaling to the dealer. And yet all around you sit, quiet, confident players. If you’re not feeling the top of your game, then stop playing. You need to come across as absolutely sure of yourself. If you don’t want to leave the casino altogether, then go get a cup of coffee and take a walk around. Go back to the table once you feel your confidence is returning. Remember that if and when you’re playing, that you find yourself stressing out over your losses, then that’s probably a good sign that it’s the moment for a time out. The same is true for the online jackpot sites or any gambling platforms. Never chase losses.

When You’re Angry

One of the most hilarious things you can find on YouTube, are videos of poker player totally losing it over a loss. We can sympathize with getting mad, but only up to a point. Of course, you’re going to be pissed at missing out on a sure winning. But that’s all about getting angry during the gameplay. What we’re hedging against is being angry before you go and play. Maybe there are some family issues or work-related problems. Whatever you do, don’t bring them to the poker table. If you’re super wound-up or uptight, the other players will notice and they will play against it as a bad point. They will make you madder, simply because by doing so, there’s a better likelihood you’ll make even more silly mistakes. You don’t want to be that guy who berates the casino staff or the other players. Don’t be that guy who is asked to leave.

playing poker
You must stay calm during poker games – Image source: Cassius Marcellus Coolidge via Wikimedia Commons

Playing Poker: Going Full Tilt

In casino parlance, there’s a term for an angry guy who is playing badly because of it. They say he’s “on tilt”. If the player’s mental condition or frustration is causing him to play in a less than optimal manner…then he’s on tilt. Being on tilt can result in you losing your cool. And remaining cool, particularly under stress, is part and parcel of the actual game of poker in itself. An experienced player will instantly recognize another who’s on tilt. The tern, on tilt actually originated from playing pinball machines. Some players would become frustrated when the ball makes an exit between the flippers and so would try and “tilt” the machine to encourage it to go towards the sides.

When You’re Broke

This seems to be another obvious point. But really, how can you even consider gambling by playing poker when you don’t have any funds. Well, that’s the way non gamblers see the world. A gambler on the other hand will see the casino as an opportunity to actually make money. See the difference? Now if you’re an experienced or expert player, then it all makes absolute sense.

We all have heard of the story of some guy going to the casino with his last pay packet and putting it all on the red on the roulette wheel. The thing about these stories is that we only hear about the winners. Remember that the casino has a house edge. That means that over a long period of time, the casino will always win. So, if you don’t have much money and therefore can’t play the long strategic game, then you’re best staying away from the casino.

Playing Poker: Be Responsible

Whatever you do, please don’t borrow money to splurge on casino games, be they table games or slots. If the thought even crosses you mind, then it’s time to walk away. Keep in mind that when you’re playing normally with your own money, there’s a certain pressure. So imagine what that’ll be if you’re playing with someone else’s money. The playing poker is stressful enough without any more added on.

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If you want to learn more about one of the biggest poker sites of the world read the Intertops Poker Review before you head to the virtual poker tables.