• Daytime Naps To Improve Your Online Casino Game Play

    If you're going to be doing any activity that requires concentration, then being alert is essential. Unfortunately, many online casino players tend to play when they're tired. This can lead to catastrophic consequences, with bankrolls being depleted in record time. That's why we recommend you think about incorporating naps into your daily routine. Not only will you be rested, but as a consequence, you'll feel awake, and attentive, and capable of making much better gambling decisions.

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  • Why All Online Casino Betting Systems Are Hype And Don’t Work

    As they say, "wherever there's a chance, then there's a chancer." Gambling is no different. Because the games rely on Lady Luck, many gamblers look at gambling in terms of strategies and preconceived methods by which they are more certain of turning a win. For anyone who wants to believe they can control the fates, there are hundreds of people who are happy to pray on them. By offering sure-fire betting systems guaranteed to be successful, money is being made off of stupidity and desperation.

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  • The Rise And Fall Of The Once Popular Faro Card Games

    Once upon a time, Faro card games were the stable gambling game which everyone played. Whether the earlier version did the rounds in high society during Le Grand Siècle in France or in the salons of the Wild West frontier towns, it was a hugely popular game. However, with such a tiny house edge, along with a reputation as being a game favoured by cheaters, Faro gradually lost its edge. Today, you'll struggle to find a single online casino that has it. But there are always Faro apps to play on.

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  • Do I Have To Give My Personal ID To A Land-Based Casino?

    If you're visiting a land-based casino as an advantage player, then you ideally want to keep as low a profile as possible. So when the staff start asking for your personal ID, you might assume you're in some sort of legal problem. But here's the thing; they can't legally compel you to produce any ID. Of course, they could ask you to leave at this point. But as an advantage player, they still will not be able to get your details and add you to the dreaded list of players who are banned.

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  • What Is Poker Equity And Why Is It Important For All Players?

    When we talk of poker equity, we're referring to our chances of winning (or losing!). As you can imagine, there are many moving parts within a game of poker. And any single one of these can drastically alter the outcome of the game. So be wary of where you sit at the table, as well as the level of play of your opponents. Furthermore, don't chase losses. We suggest using a poker equity calculator at all times. It will tell you the probable chances of success and also the best time to fold.

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