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Image source: Staatliche Toto-Lotto GmbH Baden-Württemberg, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Introduction: The Best Ways to Play the Eurojackpot Lottery Game

Millions of people play the Eurojackpot from all over the world. One reason it’s the best lottery to play is that it offers a ginormous prize. Another is just how easy it is to take part in what might be something that could turn your life upside down. But the truth is that the likelihood of being the Eurojackpot winner is almost zero. They say you have more chance of being eaten by a pig or becoming President of the US. So we wouldn’t bank on it. But then again, if you don’t take part you have absolutely zero chance of winning, compared to slightly better than zero if you do.

Play EuroMillions Online at theLotter

Hit the lottery jackpot without leaving your home

You can buy lottery tickets including EuroMillions, PowerBall, MegaMillions and more online easily using your desktop or mobile device within minutes. It is safe and easy.

Now that you’re decided to take the chance, let’s see if there’s anything you could do which might tip the Eurojackpot winning probability towards yourself.

Buy Your Eurojackpot Tickets in Advance

The first thing to point out is that buying your Eurojackpot tickets early will not give you any advantage whatsoever. What it will do, however, is make sure that you haven’t forgotten to buy your tickets and then you miss the draw. Bummer! Another reason is that it has sometimes happened that the sheer interest in buying tickets has crashed the website. So by buying in advance, you’re saving yourself a headache for later. Simply go to theLotter where you can choose your lucky numbers and buy your tickets.

Do you have favorite numbers?

Forget Eurojackpot Strategies and Schemes

Have a trawl of the internet and you can find hundreds of books and courses all telling you the magic secret to winning the Eurojackpot lottery. Interestingly enough, none of these authors have ever won themselves. All these books exist because people keep buying them. These are the folks that seriously believe, that by wanting to win enough, then they will be winners. Then we have those that swear by certain numbers, even though they’ve never experienced any success with them. Then we can talk about those who are looking for hidden patterns, going over the previously successful numbers and trying to find a connection. Unfortunately, there are no jackpot winning tips or tricks.

The thing with lotteries is that it’s all down to sheer luck. There are no strategies or schemes to make the luck fall into your lap. In fact, the more one starts to rely on superstitions and illogical solutions, the poorer the decision-making becomes. But it could also be argued, that as the possibility of striking the Eurojackpot is so minuscule, then where’s the harm in pretending that your numbers, bought about by magic or witchcraft, are any less valid than someone choosing them based on their mother’s birthday. But the main takeaway here is not to waste money on silly books or courses.

Join a Eurojackpot Lottery Syndicate

This does make sense. If you join a Eurojackpot syndicate, then you will have a better chance of winning simply because you all would have bought more tickets. It’s the classic idea of strength in numbers. The more people there are in the syndicate, then the more Eurojackpot tickets you can buy. If there is a downside, it means that if the syndicate wins, the prize will need to be split. But judging from the size of the jackpot, you shouldn’t have any problems splitting the Eurojackpot winnings, as we’re certain there will be enough to go around.

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Play multiple tickets if you wish for shorter odds

One factor to consider, and that’s the syndicate you choose to join. It’s always better to stick with friends, family, or work colleagues. At least then you’ll know that your money is actually going to the lottery.

Play EuroMillions online at theLotter without leaving your home!

Choose Eurojackpot Random Numbers

According to the latest lottery news, many people stick with the same numbers and play them every time. They may well select numbers based on anniversaries, birthdays, or any date that holds some significance for them. Then we have those who use their phone number. We feel there’s really nothing wrong with sticking with these. Some might argue that picking a new random number each time serves no better use. We’re in two minds about this.

The common argument against sticking with the same numbers every time is that the only time they’ll come up is the day you forgot to buy tickets. Then the story continues that you’ll be living a lifetime of regret. But in truth, a random number has as much chance of being drawn as a favorite one. The jury is still out on this one.

Beware of Bogus Eurojackpot Lottery Websites

We suggest that you only ever purchase your lottery tickets at approved Eurojackpot websites. We love theLotter, as they carry tickets for virtually all the biggest lotteries in the world. As the lotteries become more and more popular, the more bogus and fake websites spring up to trick the unwary into parting with their money for nothing. It doesn’t matter whether you’re planning on buying just one ticket or hundreds, always check and then double-check the validity of the website in question. There are some very basic checks to see that the site is totally legit.

Good luck!

If you’re unsure, then Google is your friend. A simple web search for the Eurojackpot lottery site will bring up any number of reviews from other previous users. The main site is This will be a treasure trove of both information as well as recommendations. Only go with sites that have a stellar rating.

Conclusion: The Best Way to Play the Eurojackpot Lottery Game

There’s no fun quite like playing the Eurojackpot lottery. After buying the ticket there’s a delicious waiting period until the draw. This will give you enough time to dream of what you’ll do with the winnings. Even though many will claim to buy the ticket and then forget about it, we don’t believe them! Where’s the enjoyment in spending money on a lottery ticket, without the dream? But never-the-less, there are some things you might want to keep in mind to keep you happy when playing the Eurojackpot:

Understand that it’s all completely random. There’s no more chance of one number being drawn than any other.
It’s absolutely impossible to predict the lottery’s outcome.
There are no hidden patterns or codes within the lottery to increase your jackpot winning chances.
Likewise, there’s no such thing as a lucky number.
All those “How to win the Lottery” guides all over the internet are bogus.

Here’s the thing…playing the Eurojackpot lottery, is a lottery in itself. That is all you need to understand. Go buy a ticket with whatever numbers you wish and remember that the chances of you being the winner are so tiny as almost not to count. Accept the reality that you’re buying the ticket for a chance to dream. Acknowledge the fact that it will not be you receiving that gigantic cheque. But on the other hand….someone DOES win every time they have a draw. So why couldn’t it be you?

Play Powerball online at theLotter without leaving your home!